Ability to see duration behavior data after the data is saved
Allow Gaps in Graphs when no data entered
Group data
View behavior data by therapist
Compare Behavior Reducation and Skill Acquisition Data
Ability to Import Paper Data
Preference Assessments - Edit/Add/Delete raw data
Different “folders” for session settings, parent data, etc.
Data Entry
SOAP Notes pull all data from that day
Show percent data of task analysis on trial sheet
Baseline Data Plus Minus
New Widget: Last date, Data was entered
data entry
Ability to delete/edit data within each program
Keep data in task analysis (TA) when scrolling
behavior intervention/protocol and data collection instructions for each target behavior
Show ALL targets in the daily report or trial sheet by therapist. · completed
I would like there to be a way to delete incorrect task analysis data on the iPad app, rather than only frequency data and DTT.