Printable ABC Data Sheet
I would like there to be a way to delete incorrect task analysis data on the iPad app, rather than only frequency data and DTT.
Pulling report data across multiple clients
Customize Graphs in Progress Report
Visual Alert for Partial and Whole Interval Recording in app
Multiple sessions per day
Adding data from a different date from app
Parent Data- Ability to Limit Target Data Entry for Special Users
Increase number of days SOAP Notes are visible on app · completed
Task Analysis/ Chaining
Stop technicians from allowing them to add behaviors on the app · completed
Ability to graph trials in addition to days on x axis
Dr hanleys data collection
data collected
Remind technician to close out ongoing, running data.
Include Instructor name on Frequency Targets Raw Data excel file
View the specific date of a data point within the graph
Color uniformity for data paths
Add prompt options- plus side of TA · completed
Option to "mass delete" data