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Share your ideas!

Got an idea for how we can improve? Select a topic below to share it with us or vote on other people’s ideas.


  1. ABC data notes should be available without exporting the protected health information

  2. Tie the Client's insurance Id number to their notes and data reports

  3. Updates to lessons or behavior data should have a red icon next to it so RBTs can see the update

  4. Can your system developers program for all Task Analysis not to "save" data "UNLESS" ALL STEPS on the task analysis are filled /selected?

  5. Allow users to mark individual targets for cold probe data in target creation box

  6. The ability to view all data collected on a specific day. Similar to the "trial sheets" view on the app, but in the online portal.

  7. Option to display data point values as a fraction (correct trials/total trials) in chart settings

  8. Don't have days of too low data reset the number of days on the graph to pass.

  9. Allow therapists to see data collection sheet alongside current targets, to see both mastered mix and targets simultaneously

  10. When I supervise an RBT either live or remotely, it would be great to be able to see the data collection live.

  11. A way to pull the trial sheet data with the plus and minuses into the SOAP note or to print it separately on the portal

  12. Run reports across a certain number of sessions for which a target was run. For example, run a report showing data for the last 10 days.

  13. Need to be able to pull raw data for an entire session/day for insurance audit purposes. It could also be used to see an overview of the se

  14. including incorrect while using a prompt schedule

  15. Have graphs more interactive

  16. Option to score a prompt code as neutral instead of just correct or incorrect (especially assent withdrawal)

  17. Can there be an option added so that interns / BCBAs can go in and edit a clinets BSP (behavior support plan)

  18. Add error code as a demotion on errorless leaening

  19. Show ALL targets in the daily report or trial sheet by therapist.  ·  completed

  20. Frequency Behavior Report

1 2 9 11 13 22 23

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